
My goal is work as a software developer helping to define and implement well-developed and technological solutions that can add value to the projects and customers. I have already worked on teams and projects of different sizes and purposes. I have large experience in .net, Vuejs, typescript, docker, NoSql and relational Databases and cloud applications.
Other technologies/tools I know are Kubernetes, React, Angular, Elastik stack and Azure platform.

My Background

.Net Developer

Sellers Funding
2021 - Current

Acting on a new company project called "Buy Now Pay Later", this project was developed using serverless technologies and the azure platform. This has been providing me a lot of experience in the development of microservices and cloud applications using technologies such as serverless. In addition, the experience of being working with an international company/team has been allowing me to improve my English communication skills.

Used Tecnologies:

  • C#
  • .Net Core
  • Vue
  • Application Insights
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Sql Server
  • Dapper
  • DDD
  • Microsservices
  • Mongo DB
  • Api Gateway
  • Azure

Tech Lead

Herval Group
2019 - 2021

Acting as a team leader, responsible to develop the company's internal projects and implementing integrations (REST) with many Brazilian market companies such as Clearsale, Cybersource, Braspag, FIS, Cielo and Apple. I was assigned to defining the code standards used in .net projects and acting in the migration from the monolithic architecture, used by the company, to the microservices architecture. Among the implemented patterns and technologies, there are CQRS, No SQL, Healthcheks, Log Aggregation (Graylog and ELK Stack), Automated Tests, Anti-Corruption Layer, Bounded Contexts, Docker, among others.

Used Tecnologies:

  • C#
  • .Net Core
  • Angular
  • React
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Oracle
  • Dapper
  • DDD
  • Microsservices
  • Mongo DB
  • Api Gateway
  • Automated Tests

.Net Developer

DLL Brazil
2017 - 2019

Member of a project assigned to recreate a 10 years old monolithyc system, using new technologies such as Angular and .Net core. In addition, the software was developed using the microsservices architecture and DDD (Domain Driven Design) to achieve the challenges and goals of the project.

Used Tecnologies:

  • Angular
  • Dapper
  • Git
  • C#
  • Javascript
  • Sql Server
  • Git
  • Octopus
  • Jenkins

.Net Developer

CWI Software
2011 - 2017

Acting on the development of software for national and international clients of CWI. I worked on projects for clients such as RBS Group, DLL Mexico, DLL (Brazil) and Crediare. I had the opportunity to work with projects of different architectures and technologies.

Used Tecnologies:

  • C#
  • .Net
  • Html
  • Javascript
  • SQL Server


Technologies skills

  • .Net Core
  • Vue
  • React
  • Docker
  • Azure

Programming Languages skills

  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript

Architectures / Patterns / Practices skills

  • DDD
  • Microsservices
  • DevOps


  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • Mongo DB

Other skills

  • Git
  • Entity Framework
  • Automated Test
  • Azure DevOps
  • Jira
  • Jenkins
  • Elastic Search
  • Message Brokers
  • CQRS


  • Analysis and systems development
    Vale do Rio dos Sinos University
    2012 - 2022
  • Projeto Crescer
    (Growth Project)
    CWI Software
  • Computer technician course
    Duque de Caxias School
    2009 - 2010


  • Portuguese (Native)
  • English (Fluent - B2)